The Sliced Invoices Developer Directory connects Sliced Invoices users in need of custom development work (customized Invoice templates, automation, local/regional specific needs, etc.) with expert developers who can assist them. As a Sliced Invoices Expert, you get a free listing in this directory, where users can find you and contract with you for your services.
What does it cost? Zero! This is a FREE service of Sliced Invoices. We won’t charge you to create your listing, and we won’t charge the end user to contact you. What you charge for your services is between you and your client.
What are the requirements? To be a Sliced Invoices Expert you must be experienced developing with Sliced Invoices, and you must have a license in good standing. Also, the clients you engage through this program must be properly licensed for their own sites.
What are the benefits? Capitalize on your experience and expertise with Sliced Invoices, and gain a great source of new clients! Sliced Invoices has some of the nicest customers around, and connecting with you is a win-win situation!
If you are interested in joining the Developer Directory, please fill out the following form: