multi line Pre-Defined Line Items

April 27, 2020
Jamie Gunter

for me a normal quote is like this


Firstly gain access to roof area using necessary scaffolding front and rear


Lead Flashing around chimneys

Remove existing lead flashing from around both chimneys

supply and fit code 3 lead soakers to both sides of chimneys

Cut a 1” chase to walls to allow following works to be carried out.

Supply and fit approximately 6m of code 4 lead cover flashings will be supplied and fitted. lead clips will be used to fix lead in place, using lead sealer to seal lead cover flashings to prevent leakage.

All lead will be oiled using pantalation oil to prevent from staining.



Rake out necessary pointing approximately 2sqm using necessary tools and equipment

Using necessary tools and equipment repoint approximately 2sqm using 3pt sand to 1pt cement



Supply and install black Upvc ogee guttering ensuring all water runs freely to the outlets. Gutter support clips spaced no more than 800mm apart.



All rubbish and equipment will be cleared on completion of work.


on your plugin i have to make it all one line then edit it every quote is there a way to seperate them better

1 Comment. Leave new

Evan Hodson
April 8, 2021 3:18 am

Agreed! I have many contractors that wish this option was available.

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