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General Settings

  1. Year Start and Year End – This is used mainly for reporting. You can set this as just a standard year or as your fiscal year.
  2. Pre-Defined Line Items – Once this field is populated, your pre-defined items will be available when adding or editing a quote or invoice.
    • 1 line item per line
    • No dollar sign for the price
    • Quantity, title, description and price should each be separated with a pipe symbol (|) as shown below in the example
    • 1 | Web Design | Description | 85
  3. Footer – The text in this field will be shown on every quote and invoice. You can leave blank or simply add your email and web address. Whatever you like really.

Business Settings

All of the details in the Business section will be shown on your invoices/quotes. If you don’t add a logo, then your business name will be shown instead of a logo.

  1. Address – Add your full address in here and format it in a way that is suitable for your region. We’ve done away with separate city, state, postcode fields so that you can format it any way you like. You can even add HTML if you need to.
  2. Extra Business Info – This field can be for anything really, and will be displayed beneath the Address. You can add email, business number, phone number or anything else. You can also use HTML in this field.

Quote Settings

The Quotes settings control various aspects of how the quotes are set up, such as:

  1. Prefix – Add a prefix for each quote number or leave blank.
  2. Auto Increment – Ticking this box will automatically increment quote numbers each time you add a new one.
  3. Next Number – Add a number in here to start your quote numbering from, if you are using Auto Increment. This should only be set on initial setup of the plugin.
  4. Template – Choose which template you would like your quotes to have.
  5. Custom CSS – You can add CSS in this field that will be applied to your quotes. This allows you to style the quote in any way you like.

Invoice Settings

The Invoices settings control various aspects of how the invoices are set up, such as:

  1. Prefix – Add a prefix for each quote number or leave blank.
  2. Auto Increment – Ticking this box will automatically increment invoice numbers each time you add a new one.
  3. Next Number – Add a number in here to start your invoice numbering from, if you are using Auto Increment. This should only be set on initial setup of the plugin.
  4. Template – Choose which template you would like your invoices to have.
  5. Custom CSS – You can add CSS in this field that will be applied to your invoices. This allows you to style the quote in any way you like.

Payment Settings

Set up the payment options you would like to use for your country/region such as decimal and thousand separators, currency symbol and taxes. Other payment settings are:

  1. Bank – Add your bank account details to allow payment via direct bank deposit. Once these details are added, you can turn this option on and off for individual invoices.
  2. Generic Payment – You could add details on payment by check or money order in this field or you could add some other generic payment message or instructions. Once these details are added, you can turn this option on and off for individual invoices.
  3. PayPal Settings – Add your PayPal details in these fields if you wish to accept PayPal payments. You can find the required details under ‘Profile –> Request API credentials’ in your PayPal account. Note: you must have a PayPal Business or Premier account to use this feature.

Email Settings

Here you can choose the ‘From’ name and email address on payment notifications. To be able to style the emails, add your logo and to send quotes and invoices direct to clients, you need to install the PDF & Emails extension.

Translate Settings

In the Translate section, you can choose to label Quotes and Invoices differently. You could call Quotes, Estimates and you could call Invoices, Tax Invoices for example.

To translate other text on the quotes and invoices, you can use the Easy Translate extension.