Feature Requests

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Feature requests & ideas — submit and vote here!

120 votes

Automatically calculate and add late fees

Automatically calculate and add late fees

99 votes

Service fee

if user chooses to pay bill using Paypal, or other online service, the add a service fee for processing

75 votes

Deposit Invoices extension: allow multiple deposits/installments

For example, the ability to split an Invoice into 4 payments of 25% each

70 votes

Expenses Tracking

I know this is not part of the invoice or quotes, but it would be a great future add-on if we were able to have an expense tracking system. Basically if my accountant could just login to my site under his own user account, and I could let him download all of the expenses, invoices and receipts that he needed.

66 votes

Include MOLLIE payment gateway

Mollie is an upcoming European Payment processor.
It includes multiple gateways
iDeal ( Requested here )
Bitcoin ( Worldwide )
Bancontact ( Belgium )
Credit Cards
and many more

63 votes

QuickBooks Extension

connect to QB Online

59 votes

Integration with WP eSignature plugin

WP eSignature is a self-hosted alternative to DocuSign or other subscription-based document signing services. An integration (as seen with Sprout Invoices, for example) would allow clients to be directed to a document (contact, terms and conditions, etc.) before being permitted to accept a quote or pay an invoice. This is something I used heavily and would love to see it back as part of my workflow.

55 votes

Bulk Invoice emails

Currently once I have created all the invoices, I have to go to the list of invoices, sort by draft and then press the Email button next to each draft invoice. It would be amazing if I could select all draft invoices and do a bulk email of invoices to my users.

55 votes

Payment Method option for Cash or Check

By default, it should have Cash and Check under there as well for in-person payments. Right now it only has the Payment Method as whatever payment gateway extension is installed, such as PayPal. Currently we have tp leave it blank and put a note in the Payment ID or Memo.

52 votes

PayU payment gateway

Well known payment provider in Poland

35 votes

3 payments with different amounts

We use a payment structure of
50% deposit
30% on a specific date
20% balance on a specific date
currently, there is not a way to do this with the different amounts and different dates (not all the same amount or same timing so recurring or subscription cannot be used.).

35 votes

Dashboard Widgets

Ability to add widgets that connect to Sliced, such as Reports, on the Dashboard.

34 votes

Expenses Extension

Nice to have also a expenses extension.
Also to integrade in Reports Dashboard.

33 votes

[DONE] add tracking on a quote (and invoices)

When a quote is sent to a customer and the customer click on the link (quote ) then it will be registerd in ”notes” with date and time when the quote has been read.

31 votes

Quote / Invoice Numbering use variables

A way to use variables such as date or customer ID

For example:
[Invoice Prefix]{Date (yyyymmdd}-{Numerical increment}
Which would look like the following…

where the date is rolled each day as part of the invoice prefix

31 votes

Contract Module

This contract module would manage contacts in conjunction with an invoice. Sharing/merging user and invoice data into a text document.

For example a customer signs a service/maintenance contract and after that the invoices are generated.

So the basic Contact Module could include such things as:

– Contacts (add contract, list contracts)
# Add Contract: Select template, fill the fields from the customer database, add extra information to the user profile related to the redaction of the contract, link automatic invoice generation.
# List Contracts: Edit contract, send contract by email, generate PDF, download Contract, Signed Status, Linked invoice.

– Contract Templates (add template, list templates)
# Add Template: Use default “tags” to be substituted dynamically, create custom “tags” to add user data into contracts layout.
# List Templates Contracts: Edit template, Duplicate template, Delete template

This are only general ideas. I’ve been checking some contract software options but they lack the integration with invoicing.

29 votes

Integration of Client Area into My Account for WooCommerce

Add the ability to show Client Area details in My Account for WooCommerce.

28 votes

Integration with Elementor Pro

For us non-coders, being able to layout and style Client Area and other pages, like we can with Elementor Pro for Woo Commerce. Elementor forms would be nice too

27 votes

Receipt Settings

It will be appreciated if you could “Receipt Settings” as well.

27 votes

Credit Notes

Apply the option of creating a credit note allocated to an invoice for customer returns.

27 votes

Square payment gateway

Square https://squareup.com/

26 votes

[DONE] Authorize.net gateway

Develop new gateway for Authorize.net

25 votes

[SEE COMMENTS] Przelewy24 payment gateway

Well known payment provider in Poland

25 votes

Hubspot Integration

Would like to generate invoices to contacts in Hubspot. They offer great API’s so this should be relatively easy.

24 votes

Separate email templates for deposit payment received and balance payment received

Applies to Deposits Extension

22 votes

Approval addon

I would be interested in an addon that would allow administrators to attach an image file to the invoice/ job number. A file that could be attached and sent separately from the invoice or quote, as an additional follow up email which is attached to the same job/ invoice number.

If you can visualize… on the backend interface, in the quotes area, next to the send email and pdf buttons in the upper right side, there could be a third button that would ask you to choose an image and a “send attachment” email. The system would then email the customer a link, just like as a quote or invoice, only it displays the image asking for an approval or reject.

The system would then display a status ont he backend list of invoices, next to the order status, weather it was approved or rejected. If its rejected the admin would just keep resending, same process, until it was approved.

Additionally, It could be used to attach other documents and contracts as well. If done right, you could add your own HTML containing whatever shortcode and other forms that may already be accessible on your site and or anything that needs customer approval or feedback .

22 votes

Woocommerce add to quote

A way to add to quote a woocommerce product . A horizontal list of woocommerce products could be presented and the user could request a budget from several of them.
After submitting, a quote would be created with the products and units requested, and the administrator would only have to apply adjustments and edit some data.

22 votes

Credit for Client… Advance Pay…

Add credit to client account, in case they overpay or want to pay in advance to be able to add the credit and to show credit based on there name so when wanting to create  new invoice it would auto populate the credit they have, than this could go toward the invoice or not… by making an option do you want to apply the credit

22 votes

Percent discount

Would be nice to have availability to choose from amount discount or percentage discount at quote/invoice totals

22 votes

2nd reception email address

Some of company pic is asking to cc them a copy invoice instead of just send to their account email.

Appreciate if u can consider about this.

21 votes

Service fees based on Client

It would be nice to add a service fee based on clinet, I did look at predefine lines… however it is not based on the client… so instead of having a same service listed 120 times or so, it would be nice to have service fee based on client… (so when registering a user we would have the option to enter the service fee type and the amount…) in this case when creating invoice we could select the service and the fee will populate per client

Defined service is Lawn Care

Client A fee is 35.00
Client B fee is 40.00
Client C fee is 60.00

So if client A is selected and service lawn care it would enter fee 35.00

If client C and service lawn care than it would be 60.00 and so on

20 votes

[DONE] Create extension for Formidable forms compatibility

Like the Gravity Forms extension but for Formidable

20 votes

[DONE] Extra Tax Field with more options

New tax field that allows options such as negative values and calculation before taxes. In Spain we have this type of mandatory tax (here it is called IRPF) and I know that in other countries it is also mandatory.

20 votes


it would be gorgerous to have a third category of files (QUOTE, INVOICE and OTHER)… OTHER is a free PDF file i add manually. But it is handeled in the “customer area” normally and an EMAIL is generated like for the other files for the customer. That way i can make available full proposals for example or reports etc i send to the customer and i have them all in one clean AREA

19 votes

Multiple accounts to be visable under one user

Have an additional option for client to view more than one account…

Example: Client A has two locations (Location A and B) instead having to create a separate login for each location, I would link the two, and they would show all on one account when logged in… (possibly tabs to toggle bewtween accounts, given an account name or the address of an account.

18 votes

Delivery Address field on invoices

Would it be feasible to add a delivery address field to the invoicing screen – either stored per client or per invoice? The field could be pre-populated using the client address field (with a check box to show this) or an option to submit another address for the delivery. The Delivery address could be printed at the bottom left of the invoice page in the white space opposite the invoice totals.

17 votes

Shipment module

a shipment module to provide the ability to track shipments

16 votes

[DONE] Apple Pay via Stripe

Add Apple Pay to Stripe Payment Gateway

16 votes

Woo Invoices – option to create invoices for all orders, regardless of payment method/status

Currently Woo Invoices creates invoices only when using the “Pay by Invoice’ method, or when an admin sets the order status to “Invoice”. Perhaps add an option to create invoices for all orders, regardless of the above.

15 votes

[DONE] Multiple partial payments

I need to be able to apply multiple partial payments in the backend, with notes

15 votes

[PARTIALLY DONE] Additional options for expired quotes

The ability to send an email before/after a quote expires would be awesome. Something like “Just a reminder your quote will expire on X date” as well as a notification that the quote has expired. If this had similar options to the payment reminders, that would be awesome. Also, I don’t know exactly how the quotes behave once expired, but I’d love to see an “expired” status that will prevent the client from viewing the quote, maybe with a message I could set such as “This quote has expired. Click here to request a new one” or whatever is relevant.

15 votes

Export all or Selected invoices in PDF

It would be cool to export all or selected invoices created in pdf on one click (On the admin panel )

15 votes

ACH Payments

ACH Payments

14 votes

Email To Multiple Parties

I have a client who I need to email copies of the invoices to multiple people. Can you please include a way to do this without needed to modify code, or add a snippet?

Also, can you please include a running total of invoices paid, and invoices unpaid on the main screen? I got these ideas from using InvoiceManager by joomlathat and they came in very handy.

13 votes

Quick Change Invoice Status

Feature to be able to change the Invoice Status (Unpaid, Paid, Cancelled, etc) from the Invoices page of the Admin instead of having to open and edit the Invoice.

13 votes

Send Invoice to multiple email recipients, recurring invoices

I have a sub-contractor that is needed to be CC on invoice emails that we send to the client. This is OK when (or if) we are sending a single, on-demand invoice as we can add in the email address in the “Email to client” modal. This doesn’t account for recurring invoices, as the WordPress User Profile only allows for a single email address.

Current work around is to create a user group on our own email domain that goes to both email recipients, but there should be a better way to handle this.

12 votes


All users of a given “user right group” (admin by default) have a special page where there have access to all files of all customers by category. Grear four accountant, other sellers wanting to see other documents etc…

12 votes

When quote converts to invoice, automatically send deposit invoice.

We need to be able to send our clients our estimates (which we can currently.) They then need to be able to review it, accept the quote, and then pay the deposit. Currently, the quote can automatically convert to invoice and then send the invoice but our clients only owe us a deposit to begin work, not the entire amount. I want to be able to set the plugin to automatically issue a deposit invoice as soon as the quote is accepted.

12 votes

Admin can see a user’s invoices by clicking on their profile.

I think admin should be able to search user profiles by their username and when they click on a certain user’s profile they should be able to see their invoices and quotes. Right now I have a function where user can search and see user profiles but when admin clicks the user profile, he sees his/her own invoices which is confusing.

11 votes

[SEE COMMENTS] Minimum payment due

Could you please add a “Minimum payment due” box to the quotes/invoices pages.

11 votes

Invoice Advertising

add coupon or other image to end of invoice

11 votes

Product Image Thumbnails on Quotes & Invoices

It would be great to have the ability to show an image thumbnail next to the Quote or Invoice Line Item (PDF and HTML versions). I have a client who I’m trying to get to adopt Sliced Invoices for his quotation system but he needs his customers to see product images on the quotes. Thanks for considering the enhancement!

10 votes

[DONE] Subscription Payments!

Allow monthly/yearly/etc subscriptions with payments charged automatically until cancelled

10 votes

[DONE] Allow partial payments through other gateways

Customers need to be able to pay partial amounts on invoices via Stripe.

10 votes

[PARTIALLY DONE] Status Aware Email Button

Contextual emails would be great! E.g.
if Invoice Status == Draft then Send New Invoice email and set to unpaid (as it is now)
if Invoice Status == Unpaid then Send Friendly Reminder Invoice email
if Invoice Status == Paid then Send Payment Received with Thanks email

10 votes

Client area : Open invoice (and qutation) into a new Tab

Some open the invoice, and as it is on the same page, after the consultation, they close the page and it also closes the site. They must open a new window to view other invoices or continue using Client Area. Consultation of an invoice is the final destination for the customer. Opening in a new tab would make it easier to manage invoices (and quotes) for the customer. Better UX. 🙂

10 votes

TOTAL in report

Hi, in the invoice, report are great you tell me how much invoice i have paid, due, passdue and so on. When you hover on a particular color in the graph it said how namy invoice are inthis part… NICE… but a really usefull thing to know is THE AMOUNT that is paid, due etc.etc….. can you add this please in the next release. in the loop that count then invoice of a particular status, you have the amout, just put a variable that increment, and show it up…. thanks in advance.

10 votes

Multiple Quote Options

The ability to send multiple quotes in the same email for the clients choice of decision.

10 votes

_sliced_client_cc_emails client field

For some clients, the invoice must be sent to multiple recipients.

I’d like to see a way to add this to the user record (_sliced_client_cc_email, user_meta perhaps) and auto populated in the modal for manually sending out invoices and receipts.

10 votes

Add additional Invoice Status

Could you add a ‘Part Paid’ option. As it is, if someone has paid the required deposit and full payment is not due for a period of time. I can only see the option of ‘Unpaid’, which is not strictly true.

10 votes

Invoice and Quote admin notes

A field where admin can make notes and add comments not visible to the user.

9 votes

Payoneer payment gateway

Payoneer payment gateway

9 votes

Reminder Emails Refer to Current Day As “was due on the…” Where it Really Should Be “is due today.”

Automated reminder emails provide the very cool %is_was% parameter so can do past or future tense. There is an option to send a reminder ON the due date but there is no supporting present tense – it instantly feels like the payment is overdue to the client which takes them off guard or puts them on the defensive.

It would be really helpful to have an option for “Your payment is due today” as this would be the most useful reminder in a lot of cases. Even changing the cutoff from “is” to “was” to the day following the due date would help, but seeing “today” would be most meaningful to the recipient.


9 votes

Add SKU to Quotes/Invoices

Add a column with the sku of the quote

9 votes

Detail Reports by Customer

Provide the option to filter by customer total invoice amount by year to date, mtd, wtd

9 votes

Using WooCommerce products to make quotes and invoices from the back end.

I would love to be able to use my WocCommerce products to make a quote from sliced invoices, or be able to use my WooCommerce-products and make an order from the backend when a customer f.x. is calling in….

9 votes

Set Time for Scheduled & automated invoices

It would be a really useful feature if we were able to set a specific time that all reoccurring invoices are sent as this seems to send at random times from what I can only work out is from when the initial parent invoice was sent.

I would ideally like all my monthly reoccurring invoices to be sent at a set time as this I have found that if it is sent in the very early hours of the morning then my clients do not read them & I do not want to send them too many payment reminder emails.

8 votes

Include Taxes into report

Add taxes into reports page.

8 votes

Add Category to invoices

Hello, another amazing feature would be adding categories to the invoices. This would also show up in the Invoice column. We could also be able to sort invoices by category.

My business has a few different divisions and assigning them each a category would speed up the accounting. This would also enable us to switch ALL of our transactions over to Sliced Invoices.



8 votes

Custom PDF File

Insert name and order number in the file name? For example, I’d like the PDF file name to be: XXX-Invoice-Smith-42512.pdf

8 votes

Reporting On Dashboard

Option to have the Reports on the Dashboard

8 votes

Multiple Email Templates

It would be great to have more email templates & to be able to customise more i.e.

I have monthly reoccurring invoices that I would like to send payment reminders to at regular intervals (as currently possible) with specific details, however, I would still like to send payment reminders to no reoccurring invoices with generic details.

It would be also good if the above is possible, where we can currently send reminder emails on regular intervals if we could change the template per reminder i.e. the reminder email sent 7 days before would have different wording to that sent say the day before & again the day after.

This would be extremely helpful when dealing with late payments and recoveries, if we have a set process and would like it to be automated

8 votes

Quote + Invoice Templates – Responsive views

A change to how the templates function.
Responsive views to quotes and invoices – meaning how they’re viewed on computer, tablet, and mobile views.

8 votes

E-invoicing (Europe) PEPPOL

as of January 1st 2026 PEPPOL invoicing is mandatory in Europe (https://peppol.org/)
please add integration, so Europeans can keep using Sliced Invoices

7 votes

[DONE] Setting to enable/disable quote-to-invoice conversion

Accepted quotes automatically convert to Invoices – instead make this optional via settings

7 votes

Assign Agent To Invoice

I have multiple agents and I would like a way to assign them to an invoice.

7 votes

Add reports module to wp-admin Home

Add reports module to wp-admin Home for dashboard.

7 votes

Allow customisation of email button colour

Allow customisation of email button colour

7 votes

Ability to Issue a Statement of Outstanding Invoices at E.O.M

I have several clients for whom I issue several invoices each month depending on the services provided. Since they all have differing due dates, it would be awesome to be able to generate a ‘Statement of Outstanding Invoices’ at the end of each month, which can be emailed to them. Then the clients can easily see/choose which invoices need to be paid from that statement.

Make life easier for the client and there’s a higher probability that we’ll get paid on time.

7 votes

Connect to QB or at least show Invoice number and customer name on Paypal

When an invoice is paid in Paypal, the customer’s name and invoice number do not show up when the paid paypal invoices are pulled into QB. Causes a real issue with bookkeeping

7 votes

Inactive Client Category

It would be a nice feature to be able to mark a Client as Inactive. I have users that were created for clients because I have invoices for them but we are no longer doing business with each other. I would like to delete their user to limit unnecessary points of entry to the website but it would effect their invoices. Even if I could delete them, suppose I do business with them again a year later? If I could just make them Inactive so they wouldn’t have a login option unless they were an Active client.

7 votes

Attach files ( image )

Hi, I’ve been using your plugin for a few months now and I’m getting along fine. To be more precise, I’m using the stripe extension.

I am creating a site that requires identity documents and a driver’s license (simple images) to purchase the service. In the checkout area, in addition to entering the credit card details, I should insert the documents as attachments.

I saw that through stripe it is possible to attach files:

For me it is important that they are kept in a safe place because they are sensitive data.

If you can’t modify the plugin, tell me what to do so that I can get to work and make the checkout page.

Thank you !

7 votes

Update Stripe Payment Method

This is especially important for subscription invoices. The ability for customers to update their credit card information when they receive a new credit card.

7 votes

Adding more than one bank account


I have one suggestion for your main plugin. In backend mode there is a tab “Payment” where I can enter the information for a bank account.

If a firm or a freelancer has several bank accounts he’s only able to put one in a field. It’s possible to enter more banks but the customer has to decide to which bank he wants to transfer the money.

But sometimes I want to use Bank A, Bank B or maybe Bank C. Wouldn’t it be great while I’m creating a quote or an invoice I could chose the bank by checkbox?

Please tell me what you think about it?

7 votes

multi line Pre-Defined Line Items

for me a normal quote is like this


Firstly gain access to roof area using necessary scaffolding front and rear


Lead Flashing around chimneys

Remove existing lead flashing from around both chimneys

supply and fit code 3 lead soakers to both sides of chimneys

Cut a 1” chase to walls to allow following works to be carried out.

Supply and fit approximately 6m of code 4 lead cover flashings will be supplied and fitted. lead clips will be used to fix lead in place, using lead sealer to seal lead cover flashings to prevent leakage.

All lead will be oiled using pantalation oil to prevent from staining.



Rake out necessary pointing approximately 2sqm using necessary tools and equipment

Using necessary tools and equipment repoint approximately 2sqm using 3pt sand to 1pt cement



Supply and install black Upvc ogee guttering ensuring all water runs freely to the outlets. Gutter support clips spaced no more than 800mm apart.



All rubbish and equipment will be cleared on completion of work.


on your plugin i have to make it all one line then edit it every quote is there a way to seperate them better

7 votes

Import clients

Be able to import all clients from another application easily with a csv template

7 votes

Expense tracking and reports

An optional add-on for users who would like to record expenses for their business as well as track income through sliced invoices. The reports should show sales tax and expenses by category. Plus the ability to add custom expense categories.

I have been searching for nearly a year for the perfect product that:
– Lives on my wordpress website
– Is while label
– Tracks income and expense
– Optionally connects expenses to clients
– Has recurring invoices.

Adding expense tracking would make sliced invoices perfect.

7 votes

Multiple Client Area Access

Allow clients who work for the same company to access the same invoices and/or quotes in the client area.. (i.e. company would like the CEO and CFO to have access to common invoices and quotes of the company)

7 votes

Automatically change invoice status to Paid when payments equal invoice total

When manual payments are entered*, invoice status should be automatically changed to Paid when payments equal the invoice total.

*I need to do this manually as I receive mostly bank transfers and don’t offer Stripe/Paypal.

7 votes

Client Area Plugin – Possible Update?

Allow users to change their own password via edit profile.

7 votes

PEPPOL EU law integration

Soon in the EU we will need PEPPOL integration for invoicing. Please integrate

6 votes

[DONE] Allow Client to view/cancel subscriptions

The Subscription Invoice extension is awesome, But it would be great to have the option for clients to be able to view and cancel their subscription from the client dashboard.

6 votes

Am overdue stamp

I’ve look everywhere I think and can’t seem to find where I can print an invoice with overdue on it or add an overdue stamp to the pdf.
I really need one for my business.

6 votes

Need to recognise more Payments methods (bank, generic, card, cash, cheque)

Currently only “Bank” and “Generic” are available in the payment methods dropdown menu.

Surely it would be quite easy to add some more common types such as Card, Cash, Cheque? Maybe even separate Stripe and Paypal from ‘Card’ in case someone has an in-person card reader like me?

Hopefully this can be considered soon.

5 votes

TO DO LIST plugin

The plug-in would work in a way that you have a check box for each TO DO Item, that also tracks time spent doing the item
the total time is then calculated and billed for the total time spent, less any deposits made

5 votes

Automatically send draft invoices at their due date

I create end of month invoices that I edit repeatedtly during the month as I do work for clients. At the end of the month I currently have to manually send the invoices to the client. It would be great if they just send automatically on the due date.

5 votes

Payfast Paygate South Africa

Please ad Payfast Paygate for South Africa soonest to compliment your Amazing Plugins

5 votes

Allow custom PDF watermark text

I’d like to add a “Draft” watermark to the pdf invoices.

The html variant uses the `sliced_get_invoice_watermark` function which has a filter to add extra watermark text.

The PDF does not use this function and has no option to add a custom watermark text.

Please also use `sliced_get_invoice_watermark` for the PDF watermark text, eg:

public static function set_watermark( $id = 0, $mpdf ) {

if( $text = sliced_get_invoice_watermark( $id ) ) {
$mpdf->SetWatermarkText( $text );
$mpdf->showWatermarkText = true;
$mpdf->watermark_font = ‘Helvetica’;
$mpdf->watermarkTextAlpha = 0.07;

return $mpdf;


5 votes

Customize emails (remove logo and button)

Hello !
I would like to be able to customize the email that is sent to the customer more precisely and to be able to deactivate for example logo & button.

Thank you if you can develop that !

Best regards !

5 votes

Cancelling form should automatically make invoice status cancelled

In formidable forms, when users delete a form entry from their database, it would be great if the invoice related to that form immediately passed to status cancelled. The admin can then delete it completely if they want.

4 votes

[DONE] 2Checkout Payment Gateway

Develop new gateway for 2Checkout

4 votes

[DONE] Woo Invoices to create quotes

I need to be able to create Quotes instead of Invoices when using the Woocommerce Checkout Payment Gateway.

4 votes

[DONE] improve search functionality

make more fields searchable, i.e. client name, email, etc.

4 votes

total invoice written in letters

In the invoice we need to include the total invoice written in letters. For example, if the invoice is for $ 100, you should say below: “One hundred dollars” in text plus numbers

4 votes


Option to disable “view Invoice Online” button.

4 votes

Change line items columns order

Add an option to change the line items columns order to something like:
Item# | Description | Qty | Unit Price | Sub Total

4 votes

Create an Email Templates Option

To store pre written emails for different types of invoices

4 votes

Discount calculation: before or after the tax

Please add the option to specify the order the discount is applied. According to some laws, there’s a need for choosing whether the discount should be applied for a total price including the tax, or excluding it.

4 votes

Bulk edit invoice status

It would be great if we could select multiple invoices and edit their statuses from Overdue or Unpaid to Paid.

4 votes

Reminder of unpaid invoices

If a customer has not paid their invoices, admin will receive a notification for all unpaid invoices. So “a reminder of unpaid invoices” …

4 votes

Lock invoice number field

Some countries have laws that requires companies to use invoicing systems that do not allow altering og changing the invoice numbers.
Would it be possible to have this as a built-in feature, as a “one-time setup” after installing the plugin?

4 votes

Don’t email clients when setting up new clients, only send the quote email

I am hoping to limit it so that every time we create a new user in the quote screen, it has the option to not email the user, and to also allow for a custom user group of Customer or Client

4 votes

Login | Logout Redirection Control

A simple add-on for Login & Logout with redirection controls for where pages land.

– Once logged in, the “Login” menu items changes to “Logout”
– Once logged in sub-menu of “Client Area” appears.

Login menu settings – control over what page is used for login (if custom pages are built)
Login menu setting – Where to redirect too
Logout menu setting – Control over what page is used to redirect too

4 votes

New mandatory regulation in Spain: Electronic Invoice in XSIG – XML format

During the next few days of the current year 2024, it will become mandatory in Spain for invoices issued by Spanish companies to generate a copy of them in a new format called “FacturaE” or “Electronic Invoice”, whose extension is .xsig or .xml, with a very specific data and value format.

Here are a few links to the regulations:
– In Spanish: https://www.facturae.gob.es/formato/Paginas/formato.aspx
– In English: https://www.facturae.gob.es/formato/Documents/EnglishFacturae3_0.pdf

Such a regulation would force my clients to change their invoicing system if Sliced Invoices does not do so directly.

If needed, I can send you a formatted copy of how e-invoices should be presented when the new law comes into force.

3 votes

[PARTIALLY DONE] iDEAL payment gateway

Popular in the Netherlands and Belgium: https://www.ideal.nl/en/

3 votes

[DONE] Create paid invoice / payment receipt for each subscription payment

Currently, the subscription invoice extension recurs the payment each month but does not create a new invoice showing it is paid each month. It would be best for the client to be able to access the paid invoice for each month (or whatever term), so they have a receipt/record of the payment.

3 votes

[DONE] Payment Amount Tracking

On the invoice have an area to track payments for client reference for invoices that offer payment plans.

3 votes

Pre-Defined Line Items should support percentages

When manually entering in line items to a new invoice there are 5 fields: Qty, Item Title, Adjust, Rate & Description but in Settings -> General under Pre-Defined Line Items there are only 4 fields accepted where Adjust is ignored but should be included so one doesn’t have to constantly manually adjust the predefined values.

3 votes

[DONE] Filter by number invoice and quotes

I’m trying to find a way to filter invoices and quotes “by number” but it’s not possible, filtering function is working on “post name” but in a lot of cases customers are only using the invoices number as the payment reference on bank remittance. This is a big problem in manual registration of a payment when you have monthly hundreds of invoices. Difficult is improved by using “recurring invoice” where you can’t use number of invoice on post name, because they are created automatically.
Usually in administrative software, the possibility to find an invoice “by number” is a basic function, please implement on searching field the possibility to search by number

3 votes

Payment Button for Package/Service/Product

Client hits your website, presses on the “gold” package, or “silver” package, if they are logged in, it would automatically create a billable invoice or membership. with the ability to pay on the page at checkout.
If Visitor hits your website, he would be directed to “Register’ as a client and proceed to checkout

3 votes

Paid Gateway column

When we offer clients multiple ways to pay, it would be great to have a column in the invoice list view (dashboard) that showed which Gateway was used, together with the paid date/time. I know this can be found in the single invoice view, but for accounting and admin purposes it would really help t have this info at-a-glance. Ditto for the CSV export, if it could have its own column in the export, would be very helpful. Thanks for your consideration.

3 votes

Add a Sequence Numbering Column

Adding a column before the Hrs/Qty and move the Hrs/Qty column next to Price/Rate.

3 votes

Custom feature request

I need an additional field, a points field,that will be multiplied by the (adjust %) which is already there. The total will be the actual discount on the invoice.Looking forward for your urgent and prudent response.
Mock up available.

3 votes

Make emailing PDF and “option” based on country/customer

Had a thought. If we could have an option to NOT attached PDFs to an email from a select number of recipient countries that “might” address the issue. Whether it is instructions on how to edit the plugin to not attache PDF if country=”one” or “two” or “three”, etc.. The best way would be to have a check box when we create an invoice for a given recipient that we could say whether to attach a pdf to an email on a per recipient basis. Just some thoughts. We “anxiously” await your response.

3 votes

Change Year end/start to a choice of 365 days not just first of a month

The standard financial year in the UK runs from 6th April one year to 5th April in the next.

Please could the setting be increased so that we can choose a day of the month and month – instead of just being able to choose which month it will be?


3 votes

Invoice Status Refunded

I would like to be able to mark an invoice refunded if they got a refund for whatever reason. I can mark refunds under the payments section but not on the invoice itself.

This would be helpful so we can check the status at a glance instead of having to open up a cancelled invoice to see if its been refunded.


3 votes

Additional Invoice Status (Delivered)

I would like to have additional Invoice statuses for invoices concluded and delivered. Once paid the work isn’t done

3 votes

[SEE COMMENTS] Woocommerce products intergration

Would be graet to be able to select any of my woocommerce products from with the invoice/quote creation page.
This would make it very easy to create invoices and quotes plus have a clickable link for the recipient to click on and go to the webpage for more product information.

3 votes

PDF On/Off in email

The ability to not have the PDF in the emails so the client has to login to see it.

3 votes

Add more videos

Add more videos on your YouTube account with someone explaining how to do certain tasks.

3 votes

Add a Gratuity / Tip custom field to the Invoice!

When creating invoices for services. It would be such a great idea to have the option of the Customer “adding a TIP” or “Gratuity” to the rendered invoice.


3 votes

Release files after payment.

It would be great to be able to have a link on the invoice to the virtual product I sell that only becomes downloadable once the invoice is paid. It could maybe be made part of the “thank you for payment” email.

3 votes

Allow deposit amounts to be set on the quote, not just on an invoice.

We need people to see the deposit requirements on the quote, not just on the invoice.

3 votes

Different email template for deposit invoice vs normal invoice

Our emails need to be different for a deposit invoice than they are for a normal invoice. There should be a field editable just for the deposit invoices.

3 votes

More then one business

This will be for multiple business location drop-down options. Each business will track its own invoices.

3 votes

Revolut payment gateway

Revolut is one of the most used Payment processor at the moment in Europe.

2 votes

Check total amount owed for a user’s invoices

I have written months ago but this is not yet solved and it is urgent for us. There is a page in sliced invoices where you see all invoices as the admin. In here you can select the client and see all the invoices from that client, however you cannot see a total amount of money in the end. I would like to see how much this client owes as a total, rather then just adding up all of his invoices to calculate his / her total. Its just too tedious! Also below the total, there should be a discount option, where I add a discount for the total amount of money he/she owes instead of applying a discount in every invoice separately. And in the client area, were the client sees all of his invoices, there should also be a field in the table that shows discounts applied by admin right near the amount of that specific invoice. This is urgent for us, we are trying to solve it for months now but we cannot and it is causing us a problem. Is there a way to solve this or could you please include it in your next version?

2 votes

[DONE] Add hooks to Sliced/Gravity Forms plugin

a feed_processed hook would be helpful

2 votes

[DONE] Braintree gateway filter out 3rd party defer

Do something to filter out defer and/or async attributes added by 3rd party plugins

2 votes

Payeezy payment gateway

Payeezy payment gateway

2 votes

[DONE] Braintree Gateway – submit client info

while the Braintree Payment Gateway is functional as in the payments do go through, no client info is passed on to the gateway other then card details. With WooCommerce for example, when a payment is made through a standard Braintree plugin, client name is passed on as well.

This allows a 3rd party, which we don’t give access to WordPress and the Invoices section, to view Braintree exported transaction list and pair which payment belongs to which customer. If you don’t pass on the name, then we have no idea which transaction belongs to who.

2 votes

[DONE] Add invoice number suffix

currently only prefix is offered, consider adding suffix as well

2 votes

[DONE] Distinguish Sales Tax for Line Items

To be able to allow or disallow sales tax per Line Item on Invoices. For instance, not impose a sales tax for Labor performed, but on the same Invoice be able to charge sales tax for items sold.

2 votes

[DONE] International invoice format

Thank you for making an awesome invoice plugin!

I do have a request of a much needed option, that currently is missing. I do understand that in the US prices are offered net. and tax is added on at sales. However, in most markets globally, prices are offered as full prices with VAT is already included in the price.

It has become very confusing for our clients being offered a full price (for one or multiple services) over phone, but when receiving the invoice, all items are in net.

I.e. A client has been offered 2 separate consulting services with a price of “Service A – 210.00” and “Service B – 195.00” per hour over the phone. However, these are then translated to the quote for clients acceptance, itemized as net. prices…
Service A – 187.50
Service B – 174.11

So far every client receiving the quotes… and also invoices, has called or emailed asking how we compute these invoices….

Would it be possible to have an option where the full price can be itemized, and VAT is calculated in reverse and itemized as “VAT %” and “Whereof VAT” instead?

2 votes

Additional PDF handling requests

the ability to “auto attach” the PDF (as i have the PDF plugin) to any send email (not only Sliced Invoices emails)
the ability to “merge” 2 PDFs automatically (lets say : all invoices generated should merge with PDF named “terms_and_conditions” where “terms” are placed always at end 😉

2 votes

Different numbering for two types of invoices

Different numbering for two types of invoices. In my country (Greece), we have invoice for business client (that includes the vat id, address, name etc) and we have invoice for simple client (like a simple receipt).

I would like a way to define two numberings for these kind of invoices.

Kind Regards

2 votes

Aged Debtors Report

It would be super awesome to see an Aged Debtors Report – “Who owes money to me”.

Maybe a table list of all customers with a balance, maybe even by age

2 votes

Report quarter of a year

Here in the Netherlands – and maybe in other countries – small businesses have to pay taxes per quarter, so it would be nice to get the totals for the current and the last quarter.

2 votes

Recurring Invoice quantity

My business runs a quarterly payment system where we invoice people four times a year. Would it be possible to add an option to the recurring invoices where you can add a quantity of invoices to a series? For example, you are going to create an invoice which would recur 4 times during 12 months, and after the year the recurring should stop.

2 votes

adjust field from a % to a $ amount for line item discounts

Please add the ability to change the “adjust field” on EACH individual line item from a % to a set $ amount. 90% of our quotes are for resellers & the set $ amount is not always a specific % so we are unable to complete most of our quotes using this plugin (and we would really like to, the rest of the plugin is awesome!) Thanks!

2 votes

Tax rate per line item

It would be interesting to have a tax rate per line item, instead of a global tax rate for the whole Invoice
This is one of my customer’s need and probably is a usual request.

2 votes

Zoho Intergration

Attach PDF to existing Contact record in ZOHO CRM or create new contact record with PDF is created.

2 votes

Custom Menu and Sidebar Support

Allow the client area to support adding a WordPress sidebar for easy updating. Also allow user to put in custom links to the client area navigation

2 votes

Attach files

I would like to have the possibility to attach in the checkout. I saw that stripe offers this possibility.

Here the link: https://stripe.com/docs/file-upload

Initially I’d like to get support to do it myself but I don’t know the plugin class (stripe) well.

I hope it will be a good suggestion to update the plugin.
Thank you !

2 votes

Add a image item

Add image option for items
Add full description.a large area comment is missing (allow to put HTML code with each item to add pictures and details for ex)

2 votes

[CLOSED – SEE COMMENTS] Convert quote to invoice without deleting the quote

The action « convert to
Invoice » (in the quote edition page) is great but deletes the quote when creating the invoice.

I would need an option or another button to do the same AND keeping the quote.

Best regards

2 votes

is there a possibility of three different tax rates

Hello we need to make invoices with three different tax rates. Is it possible to get it?
Best regards
Sašo Matičič

2 votes

Auto update payment status after editing invoice

After customer paid for the invoice, if we increase the total amount(like adding an item), there’ll be extra due amount, but if we don’t manually change the payment status from “Paid” to “Patially Paid”, the customer cannot pay directly. I hope it can be done automatically after the amount is increased and updated, so we don’t have to change the payment status manually.

2 votes

Different tax per item

It would be more realistic to have a default tax rate per item type, alongside name, description and price, like :

1 | Product | 22 | Description |

Example : where I’m from, restaurant products are currently taxed at 5.5%, except for drinks that remain at 20%.


2 votes

User Role Editor Plugin

1.Admin can Access every invoice
2.Users only can see the invoice and quotation create by themselves.
# Users cant access to settings.
# Cant see customer base or reports.

2 votes

Select Subscription – Non-subscription Items

For example if I sell a website template, plus add-on monthly hosting & maintenance, for the initial invoice I would want the payment to be the total of all 3 items, but the monthly recurring from then on forward I only want the Hosting & Maintenance fee. Similar to how you can do it with Gravity Forms Stripe addon (cannot do wit PayPal).

2 votes

Add Logo to login page

Add Logo to login page

2 votes

Merge quotes

Question is there a way to merge quote’s together.

We have customers like Ikea for example, and we make always seperate quote.
Than this quotes need to be approved by some person and after that i get a “Purchase order” from IKEA.

the problem is they merge all the quotes together and then they make 1 Purchasorder number for all the quotes.

I may only make one Invoice with that purchaseorder number.
So if there is a way to merge the quotes together, i can simply convert the merged quotes to 1 invoice.

2 votes

Enable a fixed partial payment

As an admin l would like to set a fixed partial payment for all automatically generated invoice so that l will not have to manually go and edit the invoices inorder to add a minimum partial payment for each client.
The system shall have 2 new option
To set a fixed amount
To set a percentage amount.
The system shall have a save button to enable the new partial amount.
Admin shall be able to change the amount or percentage amount at anytime.

2 votes

Different paper sizes for invoices and quotes

Title says it all. 🙂
My quotes have a long set of terms & conditions at the bottom, so I have created a new paper size which is long enough to keep this on one page when made into a PDF. However, it is way too long for invoices, which should use a standard paper size.

Could we please get the option to set different paper sizes for invoices and quotes.

Thanks for your consideration!

2 votes

User Account Management

Under each user that’s created. Ability to send out email that has “Login Details”

Different short codes for a custom welcome / login details page and to redirect new customer to “Pick a New Password” link in the email.

2 votes

Synchronisation produits woocommerce

Make it easy to synchronize the webshop products that are marked in woocommerce.

2 votes

Reset “Payment due” field after cloning an invoice & setting Status “Unpaid”

At the moment, the workflow for duplicating an invoice to a customer for an annually provided good or service gives no benefit because the status of the new invoice muse be set “Unpaid”, new invoice date and due date set & payments cleared so the system will, allow the new system to be paid.

Include either as part of the cloning process the option to set the new Invoice “due” i.e. reset to Unpaid, set todays date etc and clear payments OR have this option when the status is changed to “Unpaid”.

2 votes

ARCHIVE : invoices from last year, or years before.


I’m not sure this has to go here, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to filter out old invoices. In the invoice table, maybe it can be possible to ‘archive’ older invoides, without the need to export and delete them?

This should be a nice to have feature… 🙂

2 votes

QR Code

Integrate QR Code on invoices

2 votes

Add cc recipients to all invoice emails

Sliced Invoices provides the feature to add multiple recipients in the invoices. However, the emails are usually sent individually to each recipient and usually addressing only the main contact. It would be great if we could add cc.

2 votes

Add SMS acceptance/denial or at least SMS alerts that quotes/invoices have been created

I’d like a way to stitch in an existing SMS plugin or Twilio account so that I could send creation/approval/denial notifications to clients and administrators of quote and invoice status changes. Even better if it could be constructed a “type ‘A’ to approve this quote” in SMS rather than having to log in to the client area and update the quote status there.

2 votes

Client Management Outside of WP Users List

I would like to have a Client Listing on the top level of the WP admin menu.

It felt a bit strange to have to add a new invoice, to find the “add a new client” function. Currently, QuickBooks online lets you add clients independently of adding an invoice.

Similar to adding a new WordPress page, the Client Listing would let the WP Admin Add a New Client, Delete a Client, Edit a Client. The Page could list all clients, and in the grid show a past-due summary by client, let me create a new invoice to the client. I could search for a client by First Name, Last Name, Client Name, Address, or Phone Number. It would be nice to see if I billed Client A, B and C, for this month, but I have not yet billed client, D, E, and F, so I don’t miss anyone in billing; even just listing the clients in a grid posted to the screen statically can help me keep track of which client I need to bill next as I run down the client listing.

Perhaps I can click on the detail view of the client in the listing, and see an itemized list of the invoices for this client, and edit the client details (name, phone, email), and mark a client as inactive, and mark if the client wants paper/mailed billing (so I can remember to print it).

The current Add New Invoice > Add New Client only allows for one address. It would be nice if I could have a billing address separate from the shipping address, and a phone number.

It could also be great if I can tie multiple user accounts to one business (ex 1: The client project manager wants to watch payments and pay them when the accountant is sick, but maybe their accounting person wants to make the payments normally; ex 2: A husband and wife need to pay the HOA account balance for a shared property, so either person could login with their own email/user account and pay the bill for the one client account).

Thank you. I appreciate your time.

2 votes

QR Code on Invoices for mobile bank payments

Ability to add QR Code for payments on Invoices is something that is a must for European Invoicing (EUR SEPA system), because all accounting apps have this option. It allows clients to simply scan the code within their mobile bank apps and prepare payments with all relevant data pre-filled. Please consider this a priority!

1 vote

Japanese translation

Japanese translation

1 vote

extension to add messages or information to client area

I’d love an extension that allows messages or assign “packages” to be posted to clients’ client areas so they see what services they have availed from me.

1 vote

Local requirements for Croatia

need 2 date fields: invoice date and date of value

1 vote

[DONE] Stripe 3D Secure

Add support for 3D Secure payments to Stripe Gateway extension

1 vote


would be gorgerous to be able to put a generic “payment terms” (7 days), as i can already but OVERRIDE it with a specific “per customer”… let’s say CUSTOMER 1 has 30 days and always STRIPE. I want all invoices for him to be generated like this. – also, each “item sold” should have a category (whatever, free text, like the “category” of a wordpress page… the idea is to be able to have “per product category” stats – tax cumulation / year : an automatic counter, for each “fiscal year” of all taxes… to ease my accounting life 😉

1 vote

[CLOSED – SEE COMMENTS] Start Email Reminders at 30 day;s

Instead of starting email reminders at 7 days I am hoping that you can add 14 and 30 days to this setting. This way it gives clients more than a weeks notice to scramble up money.

1 vote

[DONE] Search Option while making Invoices & Quotes

I have large number of clients and whenever I want to send them Invoices or quotes , for me It takes a lot of time bcz I need to search client one -by -one (in existing list) I am in a hurry Please Add a search option in the Update or make Paid extension I am happy to purchase this Paid extension too.

1 vote

Create Sliced Invoice Quote user from WP Booking System

I think Sliced Invoices and WP Booking system are both superb. However, as with any form of software, users will always have requests and here is mine.

Alongside WP Booking, I use Sliced invoices. Both work great, but don’t interact with each other, I would like to auto create a user entry in Sliced Invoices Quote client when a booking is made through WP Booking. This would save me from having to retype all the details from WP Booking into the Quote user of Sliced Invoices. Possibly via some sort of ‘Add to Users’ button. That would copy all the details across to the User in Sliced invoices Quote User.

It’s quite possible that it’s already there, but I’m missing it.

1 vote


Hi, I need an invoice for the purchase. Please send it to me. on k.hermant@hermant-avocat-versailles.fr.

1 vote

Email client when import invoice with CSV


First goo plugin ! ?

When i import a CSV file of invoice with paid status, i would be great to send automatically an email to the client.

1 vote

Splitting an invoice (aka multi-party invoice)

I would like to make one invoice for four different paypal accounts to pay 1/4 of the invoice total each.

I’d be down to pay for the add-on that did this.

1 vote

Price not mandatory in line item

One of my customer’s request is to be able to add a line in between line items as a comment. I think this could be easily accomplished by disabling the mandatory rule for price.

1 vote

Sequential invoice numbering on “publish” (status unpaid), not on creation (status draft)

Currently, an invoice number is set on the moment of creation of an (draft) invoice, not on de moment when an invoice is set on “unpaid” (the moment of publishing, I would say).

In The Netherlands we need sequential invoice numbering. How things are handled how, I can’t really prepare invoices in advance because that will break the sequence.

1 vote

Add/change sliced_init_pdf *filter* (from action)

There currently is a sliced_init_pdf *action*, but eg. to add a template to a pdf it’s needed to return the pdf instance back to the method.

Using a sliced_init_pdf *filter* should make this possible (the filter returning the mpdf instance).

1 vote

Due Date by User Role

We have a need for our Standard Customers to have a 21 day invoice, and our Commercial Customers a 30 day invoice. Is there a workaround for this?

1 vote

Bulk status changing to paid

It is quite difficult to change the status invoice by invoice from “unpaid” to “paid”, due to there is no bulk edition of invoices (a shame).
It would be great the possibility of bulk changing the status of the invoices, so we haven’t to change them one by one in edit screen.

1 vote

[DONE] Update Plugin Stripe

Hi everyone,

in the new version of slicedinvoices + plugin for stripe, I’d like to find:

– The new version of Stripe Element (version 3)
– SCA Management (https://stripe.com/docs/strong-customer-authentication) and the 3D Secure (https://stripe.com/docs/payments/3d-secure)

– The possibility of being able to choose the payment methods offered by stripe.

I hope this is possible.

thank you !

1 vote

Quote Scheduling

We have been desperately trying to implement a scheduling solution into our quote request form, that would allow customers to select a day and time of day at which they would like us to come look at their property to get the info needed to send them a quote. It seems really simple, but no existing free or paid plugin has been able to accomplish this.

Ideally there would be a date selector on the quote request form that would only have days and times available to select that have been input by us as available.

1 vote

Country variable taxes

In Europe when you are selling a digital service you have to collect the taxes of the country placing the order and not the taxes of the country where the service is performed.

It is therefore necessary to have variable taxes based on the customer’s country.

1 vote

Venmo Payment Tracking

Especially since PayPal bought Venmo, it would be nice if there was a way to track payments made through Venmo. I have a few clients that really like using it.

1 vote

Crypto currency payement

Allow customer to pay with crypto currency. (Maybe using coinbase commerce API )

1 vote

Integration with WCFM

I use (WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace with WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager) plugins locally in my pc, recently i setup (Woo Invoices and Sliced Invoices Plugin) to make quotation in my woocommerce site, when i make quotation the order appear in vendor’s orders page without notification in dashboard, but not appear in admin’s orders page and without notification. So, what your suggest and solution?

Thanks & Best regards

1 vote

[CLOSED – SEE COMMENTS] Multiple Currency

I developed a site using Woocommerce with Sliced Invoices and the Woo Invoices add on. I used the Booster plugin to add another currency as the client sells to both Canada and US but in order to not discourage Canadian customers he prefers to not use the current exchange rate via PayPal. Unfortunately because the payment gateway is handled by Sliced Invoices the currency option is moot.

It would be super (and I would be a able to use Sliced Invoice) if multiple currency was an option.

Even as a paid add-on… I would buy it right now if it was available as it would finish my project but instead I have to rethink it.

1 vote

CSV user column

Possibly, as is my specific case, I need invoices and receipts to be made from different points of sale, where at the end of the day I would be informed by exporting the CSV that was charged and who it was.
It would be nice to add a user column, which is definitely a minor change and adds up a lot. Better yet, it would be able to select which columns I want to export in the CSV.

1 vote

Hide individual price per item in PDF (if it is a price per range)

Hide the individual price per item in order / PDF (if it is a price per range)

1 vote

Recurring Invoice Payment History

I think there should be a metabox on the single recurring invoice page that shows the full payment history.

1 vote

Convert to invoice and keep the quote, for admin

Backend of a quote, after the “Convert to invoice” button, add a button “Convert to invoice and keep the quote“ in admin page of quote.

1 vote

Secure Quotes Extension

Combine this with your secure invoice extension.

1 vote

restrict/reforce invoice numbering

You should develop an option for countries (such as Norway where I’m from), to be able to force disable the ability to alter invoice number when a sequence has started?

Why? Because in my country and in many other european countries there are strict laws in place to prevent company owners to use software that allows alteration of these numbers after an invoice has been produced.

Other accounting software solves this by giving an option during the install process (“enforce invoice numbering” YES/NO, and when YES is selected a warning stating “Are you sure, you will not be able to edit invoice numbers….etc”.

This should be an option to attract even more customers in the future.

1 vote

IFTTT integration

My bank has IFTTT integration and if Sliced supported it as well, I could set it up to automatically record incoming payments against a invoices using the payment reference number to link to the invoice number.
Pretty neat, right?! 🙂

1 vote

Full integration with Online Store

It would be great if we could integrate your product with an Online store (e-commerce). For this it will be necessary that Sliced Invoices plug-in will allow us to accept payments, such as WooCommerce payments. Also, it would be wonderfull if the Online store’s admins could issue manual invoices and quotes, in case that special orders could be issued to very specific customers. And all of the invoices could be centered in the same place having the secuencial invoice number.

1 vote

Sku / Product Listing & Adjustments Page

A page that consists of skus for services/products. Each sku setup to consist of the following

Sku # | Type ( service/product ) | Category | Sub-Category

Cost | Retail ( adjustable either by Gross Margin or Markup, or manual input that shows what your margin/markup is )

Sku / Product page to then have the ability to….

Sort by any of the headers
Bulk Gross Margin/Markup adjustments or manual input with save button at bottom of page
Category creation for easy drop down selection
Default Margin/Markup % on sku creations
View only certain categories on list view

1 vote

EU MOSS/Country VAT Integration

Hi, how can I invoice to multiple countries with Sliced Invoice? The VAT % rate must be displayed in the invoice. Is there a variable here that I can add to the text “VAT”? Additionally the correct VAT ID of this country must be displayed.

e.g. in Austria with 20% VAT. –> VAT ID: AT1234567
… to Germany with 19% VAT. –> VAT ID: DE1234567

Can I add an automatic note if it is a reverse charge or must this always be done manually? A workaround would be if you could add more payment methods and you select the respective and then the note is noted.

Is an EU MOSS integration coming?

1 vote

Compatibility with Oxygen Builder

Please make the plugin compatible with Oxygen Builder. Currently the quotes and invoices don’t display on the front end.

1 vote

Set pre-defined Invoice/Quote Description text

We can set pre-defined text for Terms & Conditions and Footer for both invoices and quotations (separately), but the Description field (sliced_get_invoice_description) isn’t included on the invoice and quotation settings tabs.

It would be really great if we could have that as well, seems like a logical thing considering the pre-defined T&Cs and footers.

Best regards,

1 vote

Add invoice title in Wildcards For Emails

Add a wildcard (something like %invoice_title%) for the invoice title. I just started using Sliced Invoices and two customer already didn’t recognize invoice number in the email subject and did pay attention to it.
Thanks for your consideration on this!

1 vote

Separate Line Items into Categories

It would be great if there was a feature to separate the line items into groups:
IE: Labour, Materials, Misc, etc.

1 vote

Sello de la empresa

Si existiera alguna forma de incluir una imagen con el sello de la empresa a las facturas y los presupuestos.

1 vote

Create monthly reports, by customer, by product

Hi there, I’m new to the community.
I don’t know if this exists. But I would like to be able to download or see in one page, reports of the invoices by client. In addition to the report by product.
By month would be the report or by dates.

1 vote

Add Description to Quotes

The Quotes interface for Woo Invoices has a ‘description’ field under each product. However, if the quote is created by creating an order in WC backend, then adding a description here does not make it’s way to the final output. If the quote is created from within the quote interface itself, then it works.
My request would be to allow this description field to work in both instances.

1 vote

Woo Invoices (Quotes) – Ability to add columns for custom fields

Ability to add extra columns for custom fields (like MSRP) via hooks or wysiwyg

1 vote

List IP Addresses in Quote/Invoice History instead of just “Guest”

It would be nice to make sure that it’s not a bot or someone besides the client looking at quotes/invoices. Even the ability to assign that specific IP address of that client to that quote/invoice.

1 vote

Product Images from Woo Invoices to Slice Quotes / Invoices

we have the Woo Invoices WordPress Plug in installed with the Slice invoices / Quotes and Slice Invoices to PDF plug-in.
While the Woo Invoices displays a product image, when the Woo Invoice plug-in propagates a quote to Slice Quotes / Invoices, the product image does not.
Is there a way to get the product image to display in Slice Quotes Invoices when the quote is generated from Woo Invoices? The Slice Quote does display a link to the webpage of the product but no product image.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

1 vote

WP Forms Integration

Gravity Forms and Formidable forms already integrated. Would be very useful to have WP Forms as well.

1 vote

Prevent indexing of public invoices/quotes

Currently, invoices and quotes appear in the WP core sitemap. Please remove them from there, and if possible also give invoice and quote page requests a x-robots:noindex header to prevent indexation.

Note that adding a rule like Disallow: /sliced_invoice/ to a robots.txt file does not prevent the URLs from showing up in site specific searches…

1 vote

PDF and or File Upload attachments to invoicing..

1. The ability to upload a pdf document to merge with the invoice document.
2. Upload a zip file attachment for files and such.
Include the attachments in the email, and even perhaps have it available for download on the secure page viewer.

1 vote

Add subheadings to group line items on quotes/invoices

Allow users to add sections of line items with a heading text field to better organize quotes and invoices.
The field should probably be optional, especially if there is only one section
The output on the front end should have a CSS class in case the user wants to style it

1 vote

Requesting for the Paddle Payment Gateway Extension

Dear Sir,
I like your plugin but can not use it because I can not use the Paddle.com Payment gateway with your invoicing system. Suppose I shared this invoice with my client (https://damoka.net/myinvoices/invoice-001/), and he will click the button to Pay for the invoice with Paddle. Once the payment is made using Paddle, then the invoice should be marked as Paid.
If you can integrate this, then please let me know. I really need this gateway. Here is Paddle Sandbox: https://sandbox-vendors.paddle.com/
If you make this plugin, you may also sell it as a new extension. I will be your first buyer of the Paddle extension.
I am looking for hearing from you.


1 vote

Improvements to reports

1) Exclude payments from Quotes and Invoices graph:
I recently took a rental deposit for one of my studio spaces. To formalise the deposit request/so they would have a record/to provide bank details, I invoiced for it, and because of that, the amount shows up in my reports (obviously!), but it isn’t actually income. Would we be able to get a flag on invoices that causes them to not be counted by reports?
A flag, a checkbox to set it and a conditional in Reports (&& !Excluded)

Lower priority requests:

2) Add (optional) horizontal line to graphs to indicate break-even point. I’ve attached a quick mockup. chartjs-plugin-annotation will do this easily. However, IIRC, you use ChartJS v2, so this would need to be upgraded to =>3.0 to support chartjs-plugin-annotation.

3) Setting for Quotes and Invoices graph to display paid dates instead of created dates:
It’s more important for me to see the monthly totals of income rather than when invoices have been created.
I can imagine this as a switch under the graph, but could just as happily be added to the settings page.

1 vote

Quote / Invoice Viewed

We see that the following quote or Invoices was viewed. Please add date time and ip address in that line where it should say Quot-xxx viewed at dd-mm-yyy from ip This will be helpful to identify whether a client is viewing the invoice pr quote or an internal team member. Hope developer can add this small update in next upgrade. Thanks

1 vote

Witholding tax

Hi, we need to deduct 3% of Withholding tax to serve company customers. But, in the TAX additional, the calculation is addition, not deduction.
Can you add that feature?

1 vote

Gamification system

I don’t know if there is already a plugin that can work with Sliced Invoice, but it would be great to implement a reward/gamification system in which points are added to the customer’s account based on the totals of the invoices generated.
Then, after accumulating X points, the customer could redeem those points for different rewards.
Maybe with GamiPress?

1 vote

Additional Wildcards For Emails – Invoice/Quote Title and Invoice/Quote Description

As the title says… it would be nice to have the ability to add wildcards for the invoice and quote titles and descriptions.



1 vote

Invoices and Subscription Statuses – Status options: Subscription, Subscription cancelled.

It would be nice to see those statuses so it’s easier to sort through them on the backend.

1 vote

e-fff (xml / e-invoice)

In Europe, more and more invoices are sent in a coded way. These new “standards” have to meet certain requirements. They are obliged by law in more and more countries. In same cases there is even a link to a platform provided by the government.

I believe it’s an added value for this software to be able to use (generate) this xml file and send it along with the invoice.

Nochex payment gateway

Nochex payment gateway

Add TWINT Payment Button

Into the Invoice Web Page, add a button to allow paiements via TWINT.
This could be an extension like STRIPE and PayPal..

Payfort gateway

Payfort gateway

Add more fields in to stripe gateway plugin.

No have options for more simple fields how, description, address, zip code… in stripe gateway. Has only basic fields for add payments.

PayTR gateway

I started to use your system due online payments with our wordpress support plus ticket system. Anyway, our contry does not accept paypal or other brand gateways because of some tax problems and that’s why we need to use national payment brands like paytr. But, they dont give any software support, they just share API.

Product Hyperlink for hidden/search products

Some have a lot of hidden/search only products that they only use for quotes and public on the shop. We use them in quotes and it would be helpfull if those would have also the hyperlink like the “Shop” products

Terms&Conditions to Orders made from Woocommerce

My general Terms don’t appear in the Quotes i make from Woocommerce -> New Order -> Status to Quote, only to those i make from New Quote. it would be great if it would appear there as standard also

[DONE] Separate footer for estimates vs. invoices

Ability to change the footer text for estimates and invoices separately, rather than a single setting for both.

[DONE – SEE COMMENTS] Automatic email send when Paid

I really need to send an automatic receipt when status changes from Unpaid to Paid, I dont use Paypal just BACS, my customers need to know I have received payment. Pretty please with sugar on the top 🙂

Hungarian translation

Please make Hungarian translation available.

Add extra customer info on invoices created with woocommerce

If you connect Sliced Invoice with woocommerce, you cannot automatically enter additional checkout field data on your invoice.

So I would like to know if it is possible to ensure that the customer’s extra data can be automatically included in the invoice.

Distinguish between subscription and normal invoices both on stripe button and invoice label

as described here


Facture différente pour un utilisateur

Nous avons plusieurs clients qui ont différente société. Pour quoi ne pas mettre en place un système qui permettrait de créer plusieurs factures à des sociétés et adresses différentes mais pour un seul utilisateur wp. Aujourd’hui nous sommes obligé de créer autant de comptes que de société existante pour un client…

PayPal transaction Tax support

PayPal API allows for retrieval tax information upon checkout. It would be great if Sliced Invoices could support this by transferring the tax information during the transaction.

Automatic Creation of Invoice on any order

It would be great to have an option to create an invoice for EVERY order that comes through Woo Commerce automatically, no matter how they pay. This way, at later date is a customer wants a copy of the invoice, it is there for them and for my clients records

Stripe Admin Payments

If a customer has a Stripe account on file, the ability to process a payment on that account from the admin screen. This is beneficial in a couple of scenarios.
1) Non-standard payments that occur on a semi-regular basis. A client authorizes up to $300 in work be billed when completed.
2) A client receives an invoice and calls to ask to process the payment. Being able to “add a payment” and have it process via stripe (or other gateways) would be great.

Implementation would be best on the edit invoice screen. Maybe a “Pay now with linked [Stripe] account’ button or other payment gateway.

[DUPLICATE] Square Payments

Our business uses Square to recieve payments – we are using Strip though Sliced, but it is brutal and takes 6-10 days to get paid. Can you please build a square payment gateway?? https://squareup.com/us/en

BetterURL to use Invoice Number in URL

BetterURL replaces the ‘sliced_quote’ prefix to ‘quote’ (same for Invoices) however still has a messy format for the URL using the long text name, this request is to enable a simple numeric option for short and clean URLs, ie, changing ‘URL.com/invoice/insert-request-name-here-which-is-too-long’ to ‘URL.com/invoice/006’ or similar. A more advanced feature would be have variables that can be inserted in a URL format option.

Synchronisation produits woocommerce

make it easy to work together whit woocommerce product synchronisatie, price synchronisatie and chek client invoice in woocommerce ckient portal.

Inside Quotes Add Unlimited Email Template Tab

Inside Quotes Add Unlimited Email Template Tab
You should do this asap

Stripe and sliced

We would like to use stripe as a payment option and the customer to pay the stripe % fee.

However this can not be setup in the backend for stripe payment customers so we will have to charge all customers the fee (not ideal as customers who dont pay by stripe will have to pay the fee).

It would be useful to have this backend feature so customers who wish to pay by stripe will get a popup advising them that an additional stripe fee will be added to the invoice payment.,

Send emails from csv

Fantastic feature that allows you to invoice a lot of customers in one go through CSV import. The problem then is having to go and manually send all the emails. A feature to upload from csv or schedule send from csv would be amazing. Until then I need to look elsewhere sadly as having to send them a manually is a problem.

Partial Payment Extension Minimum Payment

Option to make Minimum Payment on partial invoice a percentage (%) of the total invoice, not just a Dollar ($) amount

Extend “Clone” tp create invoice with todays date & unpaid status

How feasible would it be to “clone” an invoice and have the clone prepared with todays date as the creation date, the default payment date set and it’s status as Unpaid? All we would need to do is make a basic edit to the details ready to send.

I have some clients where I provide the same service (so the same invoice) annually but the date and amount needs to only be changed.

Quote Reminders

An option for quotes that is similar to the “Payment Reminder” for invoices. Looking to be able to automatically remind potential customers about a quote after a specific amount of days.

[CLOSED – FEATURE ALREADY EXISTS] Local currencies other than US dollars

Hello dears:

Sliced ​​Invoices is the best freelance plugin that exists in the market, in fact for something I have acquired five licenses for use on my websites.

However, I find two bugs that detract from the plugin.

The first bug is that the configuration of the currency symbol should not be in the payment option of the settings section, it should be in the option to create the invoice and by default it should be the currency established by WordPress in the general configuration. Currently after an invoice is created it is not possible to change its currency.

The second bug is a consequence of using (in the configuration of the currency in the payment gateway that is used), a Default Currency different from the currency that was used in the general configuration of Woocommerce. In this case, the Sliced ​​Invoices plugin does not convert the currency to the Default Currency of the payment gateway used. This functionality is available when the payment is processed directly from Woocommerce.

I and all Sliced ​​Invoice users from countries with local currencies other than US dollars, we would be grateful if you correct these bugs in the next upgrade of the Sliced ​​Invoices plugin.


Priámo R.

Integration with e-bookkeeping

With an api for e-Bookkeeping (https://www.e-boekhouden.nl) you could easily link Sliced Invoice to your accounting. Thanks to a link, all sales are automatically processed in the accounting.

Integration with Sold Out Badge for WooCommerce plug-in

At the moment the Sold Out Badge for WooCommerce plug-in creates a conflict with the Sliced Invoices plug-in and invoices can not be emailed to clients whilst the Sold Out Badge is active on a website.. Would love to be able to use both since they’re both WooCommerce based and very useful tools.

PAID DATE added to the dashboard

PLEASE implement this for fast viewing and sorting by DATE PAID.

Woo Invoices – Custom Fields

Add a notes field to keep track of actions taken on quotes (For example, Called customer and left voicemail).
Or, it may be better, to give the ability add custom fields to the Quote System

Woo Invoices (Quotes) – Custom Statuses

Ability to add custom statuses to Quotes…

Automatically send “Payment Received” email option

It would be really handy if, whenever a payment has been applied to an invoice, there was a popup prompt asking if the user would like to send a “Payment received” email.

I know that I wouldn’t want to send that email every single time, but I guess some people might also like to have an automatic option. So maybe the Sliced settings menu could contain a setting for “Send Payment Received email when payment is applied” with the options Never|Prompt|Always.

For both Prompt and Always options, the Send Email popup shouldn’t be shown (it should be sent “silently”), but it should show a notification when it has been sent which would be displayed in the same place as “Invoice 123 was viewed using the secure link”. (e.g. class: sliced_admin_notice_pay-rec-email_sent)

Originally mentioned here:

Thanks for your consideration!
Dax Liniere.

It would be extremely helpful

Hi it would be extremely helpful if “Pre-Defined Line Items” would be displayed on drop down . As of now I can only see what you call it ” Title ” I call is SK U’s .
So when I process service items i like to see entire line item

Minimum Payment plugin to allow percentage amounts (eg: 50% upfront)

I was surprised to learn that the Minimum Payment extension only allows flat amounts and not percentage amounts. My client requires 50% upfront (many other businesses also charge this), so it would be great if the extension could have that functionality.

Checkbox to confirm that the customer has read the terms and conditions.

When customers accepts a quote, it would be great if there was a checkbox that the customer can check to confirm that they have read the terms and conditions.

Jetpack forms compatibility

It’s a popular form plugin after all 🙂

Add more fields to Sliced Invoices & Contact Form 7 plugin


recently we have been configuring a website for a client and saw that the integration allows us to add sliced_client_name field, however the E-Mail-Templates of sliced invoice only allows the usage of client_first_name or client_last_name, which makes it impossible to use the name in the field in the customer E-Mail.

It would be nice to either be able to use sliced_client_name in E-Mail, or add client_first_name or client_last_name to the Contact Form 7 form.

Time/Date added to notices

An admin notice like: “Invoice INV-1744 was viewed using the secure link” should have a time/date stamp.

Allow users with Editor role to create, edit quotes

At present users need an Administrator role (or the Admin-specific manage_options capability) in order to create and edit invoices fully. Without that capability the plugin does not allow users to find clients in the Quote / Invoice pages.

Giving users an Administrator role when they do not need Administrator functionality can create security issues in some contexts. So it would be useful if the plugin allowed users with the Editor role to find clients in order to manage the quotation / invoice process.

Year Prefix on facture number

It should be a basic feature wich should be integrated to sliced invoice. A “year” prefix possibility for the numerotation of invoices and quotes.

Export Reports

I suggest creating an export for reports of invoice statements, paid invoices, unpaid invoices, etc. Export Reports for Yearly, Monthly Earrings. Export reports for quotes. Reports by Month, Year, Custom Date Range for Invoices and Quotes.

Quote Reminder Email

Similar to invoice payment reminder settings, please give one option in settings to send auto reminders for quotations raised to clients.

Comment Email to client and admin

When admin or customer is passing comment in Quote or Invoice email is not coming.

Multibanco Payment Gateway/Stripe Integration

Multibanco added by Stripe and feature would be very useful

Authorize select tag in Contact Form 7 to be usable for a sliced_line_item_{X}_X value

The array returned by the select tag generate an error during the submission of the CF7 form

AliPay & CNY currency

Add integration with Stripe, Alipay & CNY

Invoice annual schedule

Create annual invoice schedule for clients

Email on Subscription cancelation

Please add a notification email for the admin when a subscription invoice has been canceled.
Currently no way of getting notified.

Multiple Company

We have 3 companies and want to have an option to generate quotation and invoices for all three companies in same installation. Please provide this option in your next update to choose from which company we want to generate quote or invoice

Receipt Generation

In invoice module we want option to generate Receipt of Payment which clients are asking once they have made the payment. Give us option for generating receipt also as seperate module.

Improvements to payment entry

1) The Payment ID field should be pre-filled with, eg, “INV-1200”

2a) The date picker for payments seems to store a memory of previously entered dates, which is not only not useful, but also gets in the way of selecting the right date.

2b) The date picker for Created and Due Date also has buttons for Today, Clear and Close. Can you please change the payments date picker type to this one?

Add timestamp to Admin Panel Notices

In the ‘admin notices’ panel (correct name??), would you be able to add the date and time, please? It would be great if notifications displayed as “Invoice INV-1190 was viewed using the secure link at 7:03pm on 30 February 2085”.

PayUmoney Payment Gateway Support for India

Please add support for the PayUmoney payment gateway, it is one of the major payment aggregators in India and you don’t have support for the Indian Payment Gateway aggregator.
Gateway Website: https://payu.in/


I just downloaded and installed your plugin. I wanted to see if there is an easy way to create invoices the logging into wordpress and then clicking on the plugin. Is there an option to a hidden page on the website that will show invoices and create there? like having a short code?

One-click payment button

It would be great to have a button in the payments section that autofills as follows:
It should pop up a message asking “Are you sure?” and when the user clicks ‘yes’, it autofills and ‘presses’ the Update button.

Date: current date
Amount: invoice total remaining
Payment method: (First option in the list (I only have 1 option) or perhaps this is to be set by the user in Sliced settings??)
Payment ID: invoice number
Status: completed

Invoice “Send email” lightbox height increase

I like to modify the “Send invoice email” text before I send it to my clients.

Currently the height of the lightbox is (very) limited and when I increase the height of the text block the “send email” button moves outside the lightbox.

With some simple CSS changes the lightbox can be as heigh as the browser window. This leaves space to enlarge the text box etc.

packing/content list

Be able to print a packinglist without any prices, just the names and amount of items, would be a helpfull feature.

Customize Invoices and Calc

Instead of just having item, tax and invoice amount.

Can’t we make a few customizations. Say, what my company invoices for, we invoice per squar meter and add a fixed amount. Then, we need to base it off of the type of item chosen. Say a client wants a window. Then we charge different rates per type of window per squar meter and then add the instalation fee per item.

Sliced invoices & Gravity forms

Include the “product options” field in line_item to allow price calculations to be used based on the options in the form so that prices are displayed correctly on quotes and invoices.

Customer not accept Quote charge

option if customer not accept the quote another invoice with quote fee will be generated and send to customer.

For payment gateway, does it support GlobalPayment ?

As per caption subject, we hope that you have some advanced payment gateway API, such as GlobalPayment etc.

Automated quote follow up email

After a preset number of days, send an automated follow up email, or semi automated email (perhaps a list is presented to admin and they choose the relevant clients to send the follow up to) to all clients that have been sent a quote, but yet to accept it.

Possibility to generate predefined product lines with html tags (bold, lists, line breaks, etc).

It would be ideal if repeater generation with editors like wysiwyg or similar could be allowed in order to give more formatting to the texts of the predefined product lines.

Easy Email Customization

I think we need a way to be able to easily customize the main email (especially the buttons) so that we can match our branding. For example, the view invoice button is currently green, but I would like to change it to red to match my branding. If there is a way to change this that I’m not seeing, please let me know. Otherwise, this would be a great addition!

Contract Signature within Quote

We need three things provided.

1) We must save multiple contracts in the “Sliced Invoice Settings -> Quotes.”

We should be able to name the contracts for later retrieval in the “Add New Quote.”

2) We should be able to select the contract from a combo box. When the quote is generated, the contract should display first, much like a popup window, where the client needs to digitally sign before being permitted to accept a quote or pay an invoice.

3) An email with the quote & signed contract with a digital signature would be sent to the client and admin.

We found an excellent resource for the digital signature: https://docs.apryse.com/documentation/web/guides/signature/

Compatibility with Project Panorama

Project Panorama is a project organization plugin that I used successfully with Sprout Invoices. However, when I try to use Project Panorama with Sliced Invoices, it causes issues with the loading of terms and conditions on templates and messes with the tabs on the main invoice list pages. To make these two compatible (and possibly partner with them like Sprout does), that would be amazing.

Creste APP

Creste APP conected with a WordPress installation. This way is Very easy tô do estimates and invoices

Clone invoice auto-numbering

Hey team,
When you clone an invoice, “-1″ is appended to the permalink and ” – copy” is appended to the invoice title.

Can I suggest that when an invoice already ends in a number, that this number is incremented instead?

I have invoices which look like invoicename-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

More than 1 business

Make it possible to add more than 1 business/brand, and select a business/address/VAT when creating a quote or invoice.
The invoice numbering is different for each business/brand

Allow customers to select line items to accept or invoice

I individually quote for different services separated on to different line items. Often all on one estimate or quote. More often than not my customers will pick and choose the line items they want to do at a certain time. It would be great if they could select the items that they want to do at a point in time and have an invoice drawn up for those services only. Leaving the other services in the quote for later.

Tax Year start date

While the pre defined dates may me good for some, in the UK the tax year is from April 6 to the 5th of the following year. There’s no way to set this with the select options as is, so would be appreciated if this had an option to override it.

Request for ZellePay Integration Support

Dear Sliced Invoices Support Team,

I hope you’re doing well. Our company currently uses Sliced Invoices, and we would love to integrate ZellePay as a payment option. I wanted to check if there are any existing solutions or plans to support ZellePay in the future.

If not, could you provide guidance on how we might develop an extension to enable ZellePay integration with Sliced Invoices? Any documentation, API references, or best practices you can share would be extremely helpful.

Submit idea